Self Pulse Technique

A Powerful Technique for Managing Stress and Anxiety: The Art of Pulse Reading

When it comes to managing stress and anxiety, many of us turn to traditional methods such as mindfulness, meditation, or exercise. However, there is a lesser-known technique that has been used for thousands of years to help individuals manage their mental and physical well-being: pulse reading.

The pulse is often referred to as the language of the heart and is a signal of life in the body. By learning to read this language, we can train ourselves to feel rather than think, analyze, or intellectualize. In doing so, we tap into the higher consciousness or soul that is thought to reside in the heart, allowing us to better understand our personal vibration or frequency.

According to Ayurvedic doctors, who have been using pulse reading for thousands of years, taking the pulse can increase order in the physiology, release stress more efficiently, and create a subtle, self-referral connection to the whole body at once. With practice, even beginners can quickly progress and experience the many benefits that pulse reading has to offer.

  • Self-pulse practice for greater longevity, bliss, and balance in life.

  • Enhance and understand your own pulse.

To take your pulse, place your opposite hand under your arm with your palm facing up towards your body. Use the first three fingers to wrap around the pulse on the thumb side of your inner wrist. Find the bottom of the wrist bone with your index finger and slide down into the groove or depression outside the tendons that run along the inner forearm over the radial artery.

For men, the pulse is taken on the right wrist, while women take it on the left. Doing this for just a couple of minutes at a time, three times a day, can help your body check in with itself and identify any issues that need attention.

By practicing the art of pulse reading, you can develop a deeper connection with your body and gain a greater understanding of your physical and mental well-being. This powerful technique can help you manage stress and anxiety, improve your overall health, and enhance your sense of self-awareness.


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