Learn Vedic Meditation With Sam.

Live Courses Online & In-Person in Lisbon

What is Vedic Meditation?

Vedic Meditation is a simple and effortless technique that absolutely anyone can learn. We simply close the eyes and sit comfortably for 20 minutes, twice a day. On the first day of training your teacher will give you your own personal mantra. This mantra acts as a vehicle to help the mind settle down in a very natural and effortless way.

This process enables the body and mind to experience deep levels of rest, several times deeper than sleep. This lets our system recover and function in the way it was always intended.

From £395 or €465

Sam Teaching Vedic Meditation

Step 1

To get started we recommend booking a free call with Sam to talk about Vedic meditation, it’s benefits, and how it could specifically help you.

Step 2

Book your Group or Private Vedic Meditation Course with Sam.

7 Hours of teaching over 4 sessions. You’ll meditate and notice changes from the first day.

The History

Vedic meditation is the oldest meditation technique in the world today and originates from the Vedic civilisation in northern India between 5,000 and 10,000 years ago. This advanced Vedic culture was responsible for bringing mathematics, yoga, the language of Sanskrit and the knowledge of Ayurveda to the world. It’s thought most of the Vedic knowledge was lost 3,000 years ago, due to other invading civilisations, however the ancient Rishis or Sages devised the monastic system to preserve the knowledge and powerful techniques. They set up communities high up in the Himalayas and deep in the jungles of India, so the knowledge could be passed on in its purity without external interference.

Swami Brahamanda saraswati (Guru Deva or Guru Dev)

Course Structure

During the first session you will receive your own personal mantra or sound and learn how to effortlessly meditate on your own. The following three sessions are all about refining the technique and diving into the knowledge of the mind-body connection, the impact of stress, accessing your own intuition and feeling more fulfilled. By the end of the fourth session you will be a fully self sufficient Vedic meditator, whilst receiving ongoing support from us and the wider meditation community.

Day One (1 hr)

Initiation Day (Private)

Gratitude (Puja) ceremony.

Receive your own personal mantra.

First meditation, guided by me

Day Two (2 hrs)

Mechanics + Effortlessness of Vedic Meditation

How your new mantra works.

Integrating this meditation practice into your daily schedule

Day Three (2 hrs)

Meditation and Stress Release

Fine tune your meditation.

How a daily practice of Vedic meditation eliminates and prevents stress.

Day Four (2 hrs)

Stages of Enlightenment

Exploring your current and future states of consciousness.

Upcoming milestones of your meditation journey.

If you would like more 121 time with Sam, or prefer the privacy of learning outside of a group setting, you can book the private course.

“Sam is so accepting of everybody and whatever they can muster, there is no pressure whatsoever, he just leaves the gift of the shining example of peace, serenity and calm in front of you.”

Anna Calthorpe


Meditation Benefits

There are so many benefits to meditation, but these 3 are the most common reasons people decide it’s time to dedicate themselves to a regular practice, and make a change in their life.


Stress & Burnout

We’re often told that stress is bad for us, but it’s actually our relationship with stress that matters. A regulated nervous system naturally fluctuates into a state of action, enabling us to navigate the stressors of our day-to-day lives, these challenges make us feel stimulated in a positive way. Problems only occur if we can’t then return to a state of rest.

Meditation naturally activates the para-sympathetic nervous system, and improves our vagal tone, meaning we are more able to recover from stress.

Chronic Fatigue

If you’re suffering with chronic fatigue, you will not only experience extremely low energy, but also the knock on effects on your mood, digestion and sleep. This can become a vicious cycle, because an unhappy mind can effect your body’s natural ability to create ‘happy hormones’ such as endorphins (a natural painkiller), and serotonin.

Meditation naturally increases the body’s production of the hormones that will help you feel mentally more positive, and begin to break a negative pattern.

Improved Performance

We live in a world that makes complete presence difficult. Constant stimulation means that our attention can often be divided. Our minds learn from repetition, so by repeating a pattern of distraction, we slowly lose our ability to focus when we really need to. A loss of focus means you are not performing to the best of your ability.

Meditation improves the function of the neo-cortex, the part of the brain responsible for attention, thought + perception, meaning better focus, and ultimately performance.

Other Offerings

For Veterans

The transition to civilian life is not always straight-forward. Well-established functions, no longer useful for survival, cannot just be turned off. In a constant fight, flight or freeze state for most of the day, (sympathetic dominance)

Learning Vedic Meditation will increase parasympathetic dominance, so the mind and body starts to heal and repair. With continued practice, the meditation becomes more powerful and we increase the amount of time we are in a restful and safe state.

For Kids

Kids learn and absorb more from parents and their home life then they do from being told what to learn. Therefore, I only teach kids if at least one parent has learnt Vedic meditation and the kid is very much open to learning.

There are two different age group based courses; age 7-12 and age 13-15. All kids then have the ability to sit in on a full Vedic meditation course at age 16 and receive their adult mantra.

For Work

Stressed out staff, bogged down by the daily workloads and pressures, can be the biggest liability for a workspace. Meditation is scientifically proven to deliver increased resilience, productivity and focus. All of which contributes to an uplift in the bottom line.

We work with some of the world's most innovative and progressive companies to help their employees feel, and perform, at the top of their game.


  • Yes you will! The 4-session course is designed to take people from no meditation experience (or some experience) all the way through to mastering the Vedic meditation technique. The practice itself is simple and natural, and you will experience the benefits of the technique from your very first session. Absolutely anyone can learn, kids through to adults, and there is continual support after the course to help you make meditation a daily practice.

  • The word mantra comes from the ancient Sanskrit language and translates as; manas = mind and tra = vehicle. In Vedic meditation, we use the mantra as a vehicle to draw the mind inwards into deeper more restful states. The mantra you receive is a simple sound with no intended meaning and this ‘mind vehicle’ will be selected for you to create the most effortless meditation experience. There are thousands of different mantras or 'mind vehicles' that are used in different techniques, each with their own function and outcome. Receiving a personal mantra and correct instruction for Vedic meditation gives you a deeper experience and allows you to advance your practice over the years.

  • Not at all. When you learn in the course, it will be sitting comfortably on a lounge. When you practice this technique at home, all that’s required is that you sit upright with the back-supported.

  • My fellow colleagues and I are independent teachers of Vedic Meditation, which means we're not affiliated with the Transcendental Meditation organization, or any organization for that matter. However, some people who've learned TM have remarked that the Vedic Meditation teaching format is similar to what Transcendental Meditation offers, in that you receive a personalized mantra along with 3 days of follow-up and a lifetime of ongoing support.