Meditation In Certain Situations

What is the best way to fit it in when I’m going out with friends or am due to have wine with lunch or during the afternoon?

There’s no issue in having a meditation several hours after your lunchtime drinks. It might not be the greatest meditation you’ve ever had although it will certainly be very rebalancing.

I seem to recall you saying that Vedic meditation can stop a migraine before it comes. Can you advise how we do this?

That would be absolutely correct. In the case of those that experience an aura before the migraine sets in (when it gets all kaleidoscopic in your peripheral vision), then all you need do is sit down wherever you are close your eyes and meditate for 15-20 minutes.

The migraine will disappear and you can get on with your day. All you need do is drop everything and treat it as your first priority.

If you’re one of the unlucky few who do not get an aura phase, then eventually the meditation will prevent them coming.

Can you remind me of the best way to meditate on an airplane?

Always do one before you get to the airport, either before you leave the house or en route.

ALWAYS do it on take off and landing. Start meditating when you're at the beginning of the runway, and keep meditating for 20-25 mins while you ascend.

Do it again when you're coming into land and the captain asks you to do tray tables, seats forward and seat belts. Stop saying your mantra once the breaks have slowed down the aircraft on landing. Keep your eyes closed all the way to the terminal building.

If travelling long haul, do one every 2.5/3 hours mid-flight. time hydration, food (and movies) around this! (No need if you are asleep for some of the flight)

Do one before dinner/bed.

Try and watch the sun rise and set the following day to make even more of a difference to jet lag!

Personally I find getting your bare feet on the sand or grass after a flight is really beneficial.

What is the best way to ensure interviews and presentations go well?

If it's in the morning, do your normal programme.

If at lunchtime, then do one 30 mins before the presentation or interview (make sure you know where the location is, so no last minute panics!)

If mid afternoon, then have lunch at say midday so you have enough time to digest food and then do one 30 minutes before.

How often do we meditate when we are ill?

If you are ill enough to stay at home in bed, and do nothing for the day, then meditate for up to four times a day, for two days consecutively. Mantra repetition can feel incredibly harsh when you are ill or in pain, so use it as an excellent opportunity to practise being super faint with the mantra. If that still fells harsh, then send out a pulse of intention to repeat the mantra without enlivening it as an auditory experience and that should be more than enough to get a great meditation under your belt.

What is the advice for meditating during pregnancy?

We recommend you do a MINIMUM of twice a day, and consider going up to 3 a day, especially once you are in the second trimester. By the third trimester we certainly recommend doing 4 a day. It will help make the pregnancy smoother and will be INCREDIBLY POWERFUL for the development of your little one.

However, it is very important to cease doing the meditation once the contractions start. Once that happens, switch to the breathing exercises you have been taught or hypnobirthing techniques, which are excellent.

You can then meditate once the baby is born, and thereafter, meditate at every opportunity to support you through the first six months.


Integrating Meditation Into Your Day